
These notes are comprehensive and concise exam notes for Media Law taught by Jason Bosland. They have been created and written with hypo and essay content in mind; it contains both steps to go through as well as information for you to discuss. The major strength of these notes, which took me a large amount of time to write, is the steps regarding drafting imputations. Due to the way defamation works, when you write your exam, you will have to 'draft' imputations as if you were an actual plaintiff, and then refine them to anticipate defences. It is a backwards process that requires you to understand the course comprehensively so you can justify including a particular fact to disarm a truth defence, for example. These notes not only list, but give you the wording and logic for ALL the considerations you need for EVERY defence and factor you need to take into account in a step-by-step manner (which is the way you will do it in the actual exam). This is 3/4 of your hypo answer; you aren't expected to go through the majority of the defences again because you have already taken it into account at the drafting stage. It is therefore essential you get this right because it is the bulk of your answer, and the marks awarded. The notes also are concise, in that they give you exactly what you need for the exam, stepped out in an easy and ordered manner (see FREE SAMPLE: breach of confidence), including any fact analogies necessary (especially for the internet issues). The table of defamation defences I have made is also quite useful. Finally, to note, these notes are recent. They include the new 2021 reforms to the Defamation Act (incl s29A), and ALL of the Google/internet cases that have only been heard recently (eg. Defteros, Voller) (which is now a major exam issue that is almost guaranteed to come up). NOTE that the other notes on this site are OUTDATED and do not have this information. Topics included: Contempt of Court (incl suppression orders), Open Justice, Access to Court Docs, Warrants and Journalist Sources, Defamation (all elements, defences and remedies), Privacy, Breach of Confidence


Semester 2, 2021

18 pages

10,128 words



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December 2019