Comprehensive HD Federal Constitutional Law Scaffolds/Notes (USYD LLB)—3rd in course
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2011
Hey everyone! These are the scaffolds/notes I used when studying FedCon in semester 1 2022 at USYD. With them, I came first in the mid-semester assignment and achieved the 3rd highest mark (89) in the course overall. I refer to them as scaffolds/notes as they are extremely comprehensive scaffolds, meaning they can serve the dual purpose of being referred to in an exam, or being used to learn the course content. What are you getting? - Very comprehensive HD scaffolds resulting from distilling all relevant material from the lectures and readings - Cases/issues/provisions highlighted so notes are easily navigable in exam contexts - Any ambiguities in the law highlighted so they can be addressed in PQ's - Step-by-step mini summaries of how to approach problems Topics covered: Every topic studied in LAWS2011 for semester 1 2022 Topic A: Principles of Constitutional Law/ Trade & Commerce Power Topic B: Inconsistency Topic C: External Affairs Power Topic D: Corporations Power Topic E: Freedom of Interstate Trade Topic F: Taxation and Grants Topic G: Defence Power Topic H: Implied Freedom of Political Communication Topic I: Intergovernmental Immunities
Semester 1, 2022
46 pages
18,500 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2022