
If you need an executive summary of the entire semester’s content in one succinct scaffold, then look no further. Designed to feature the key principles in HD detail, this 23-page scaffold is perfect for exam purposes. Spend less time reading the scaffold and more time shaping the scaffold’s principles to the problem question facts. Success in the Family Law exams depends on your ability to extensively elaborate based on the facts present. These executive-level notes will allow you to run through topics quickly and efficiently find the relevant principles, leaving you with more time to write a thoughtful and detailed HD answer. Fully colour-coded (easy to quickly discern what’s on the page): - green highlight = legislation - blue highlight = case law - blue writing = options, choose what’s relevant to the facts Topics: 1. Marriage, De Facto Relationships, and Divorce 2. Family Violence 3. Dispute Resolution 4. Family Lawyers and Ethics 5. Parenting 6. Child Support and Child Maintenance 7. Private Ordering of Property 8. Property 9. Spousal Maintenance


Semester 1, 2022

23 pages

11,779 words



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