
Why are these notes the BEST NOTES you will find on this site, or any others? 1. They aren't just pure 'notes'- they provide a high-level overview and specific process for students to follow through on Exam day - this means less stress for you! They also include detailed analysis of cases, citations, examples and everything you will need to succeed at your exam! 2. I have made these notes as cheap as possible, at the lowest price point ($29). On Student VIP, that is the lowest you can possibly price a set of notes if it is 6 pages or more. 3. I have reviewed many other Evidence notes available on this site and others, and I can assure you that for what you are paying, this is the best you can possibly get. 4. Regardless of whether you are a C or HD student, these notes can support you to pass, succeed or exceed on the exam. I know, for a fact, that some students have purchased these notes just a couple of days out from the exam, and have ended up with Distinctions. 5. With this particular copy of notes, I have made separate 'High-level' and 'Detailed' overviews for most of the sections - just to help you digest the topics, as Admin Law has A LOT of content. As a thank you for simply considering to download these notes, I make the first 11 pages available for free (see Preview download) to give students a taste of the full product. WHAT DO THESE NOTES INCLUDE? LOOK AT THE PREVIEW!!!


Semester 2, 2022

75 pages

24,000 words



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