
These 200750 notes provide an insight into property portfolio management. Included is detail of the broader issues outlined in the domestic and global REIT market. There is a strong focus on the analysis of property investment, return, risk and valuation techniques. Provided are several detailed workings and solutions in assessing property investment. Topics outlined include: 1. Introduction to investment portfolio management and analysis; 2. Assessing property investment return & risk; - return; - risk; - risk/return ratio; and - risk/return diagram. 3. Mixed-asset portfolio analysis; 4. Advanced property portfolio analysis; - sharpe ratio; - inflation hedging; - beta; - treynor index; - tracking error; and - information ratio. 5. Valuation of A-REIT; 6. Indirect property investment vehicles; 7. International property investment vehicles; 8. Sovereign wealth funds; and 9. Property portfolio issues.


Semester 2, 2015

29 pages

3,118 words



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WSU, Parramatta

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November 2015

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