
These are the ultimate medical law notes that will provide you with order and structure in how you approach problem questions. I have produced a clear scaffold structure that is EASY to read and navigate through. I have completed all the readings this semester, watched the lectures, combed through other notes to get the key information to help you achieve that D/HD. Don't bother reading the cases, just read these notes and you will be set. ✓ Succinct information ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Colour-coded for easy reading Notes are also colour coded so that you can easily determine what is relevant. Light blue = key principle Pink = Cases Dark blue = legislation Red / bold = anything super key to point out Topics 1. Introduction to Health and Medical Law 2. Consent to Medical Treatment 3. Professional Liability 4. Reproduction 5. Withdrawal of treatment, end of life decision making and assisted dying


Semester 2, 2022

102 pages

66,470 words



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