
IF YOU WANT TO PASS REMEDIES, KEEP READING ☺ There’s no way around it: Remedies is a shocker. It sneaks up on you in your final JD year and all of a sudden demands that you’re able to recall all that you've learned in your other subjects to date. Many will understandably put it off until the last possible opportunity. But there will come a time where you have to face Rems head on and for those in that position, look no further than this METICULOUS subject guide. I hunkered down and took painstaking notes from every single lecture, assigned reading and relevant case, so that you don't have to do your head in. Trust me, people. Click the download button below, take a load off and let these notes be your guide. The topics covered are: 1. INTRO TO REMEDIES 2. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT 3. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES IN TORT 4. STATUTORY DAMAGES UNDER THE ACL 5. EQUITABLE COMPENSATION 6. VINDICATION/PUNISHMENT 7. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE 8. PERMANENT INJUNCTIONS 9. INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTIONS 10. LORD CAIRNS' ACT DAMAGES 11. GAIN-BASED REMEDIES 12. RESTITUTION FOR UNJUST ENRICHMENT 13. RESCISSION What sets THESE notes apart? They are extremely well-organized, detailed, beautifully colour-coded with visual aids to help guide your learning, and key concepts in each topic are highlighted to grab your attention should you need to skim. They also feature provisions from relevant legislation embedded directly into the document for ease of reference - no need to shuffle back and forth between your notes and Austlii. Perhaps most critically, there is plenty in here to help you brainstorm for the (dreaded) essay component of your final exam. YOU GOT THIS! About me: I am a H1 student who did very well in Remedies. I am now a qualified Remedies tutor and teach the subject as part of MLS' ITAS tutorial scheme. *LASTLY, PLEASE NOTE:* 1. I created these notes while taking the in-semester (12-week) Remedies subject. Hence, they are all-inclusive. For those fortunate enough to do Remedies as a November intensive, be sure to look carefully through your reading guide and skip over/remove the content that you are not being taught and examined on. 2. Be advised that I have also created a hypothetical exam schematic which is sold separately. I cannot stress enough how fundamental it was in helping me move steadily through the hypothetical component of the final exam; I encourage you to grab a copy of that too!


Semester 1, 2022

208 pages

103,458 words



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