
This is all you need to ace your final exam. I achieved a final mark of 84 simply with these notes. It includes lecture discussion points, pin-point case references, and case summaries to enable you to make easy factual distinctions under timed conditions. The notes extensively cover the following topics: 1 Mandatory Reporting Obligations and Complaints - Mandatory obligations for health practitioners to report other health practitioners - Mandatory obligations for health practitioners to report children at risk of harm - Complaints by members of the public 2. Consent to Medical Treatment - Consent to medical treatment involving minors (i) children who are 'developing' capacity (ii) children who are intellectually handicapped or incompetent - Special Cases (involving minors) (i) Non-therapeutic sterilisation (ii) Bone marrow donation (iii) Gender re-assignment (iv) Abortion (v) Tattoos & body piercings (vi) Plastic surgery (vii) Extubation - Emergency (temporary incapacity) - Adults (i) capable of giving consent? (ii) adult refusing to give consent? (iii) doubt regarding patient's capacity to give consent - Sperm harvesting cases - Assault and battery claims 3. Negligence Claim - Advice negligence - Failure to diagnose/misdiagnose - Inadequate management of patients causing harm to third parties - Wrongful birth - Wrongful life - Failure to provide urgently needed assistance - Pre-natal injury - Loss of Genetic Affinity 4. Liability of Hospital/Medical Centres - Vicarious Liability - Non-delegable duty of care 5. Damages - Economic damages - Non-economic damages - Damages in wrongful birth claims 6. Abortion - Abortion law - Safe access zones 7. Withdrawal of Treatment & End of Life Decision Making - Suicide/euthanasia/assisted dying - Refusal of life-sustaining treatment by competent patients - Withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment by doctors (incompetent) - Gravely injured neonate (newborns) - Palliative care - Separation of conjoined twins.


Semester 1, 2022

67 pages

25,700 words



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