★ LAWS3432 Consolidated Notes (HD) - Lecture, Readings, Tutorials, Research! ALL YOU NEED FOR EXAM!★
Subject notes for USYD LAWS3432
This consolidated note includes all the course content, including summarised case law, legislation and reading notes. Legislative provisions and case names are highlighted in brown, while the texts that are coded in pink/red signify the important and key principles. Topics include: 1. History, Jurisdiction and Reform of Family Law 2. Law and the Regulation of Family Relationships 3. Parenting 4. Resolution of Family Disputes 5. Children's View 6. Family Lawyers & Ethics 7. Economic Context and Child Support and Child Maintenance 8. Property 9. Private Ordering and Spousal Maintenance
Semester 1, 2022
40 pages
27,798 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2018
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