
These notes would ideally be used in conjunction with my other property notes "Comprehensive Property Law Notes" - I recommend purchasing the comprehensive notes to use as a learning tool and these notes to use as your go-to during the exam. Every topic is covered in the order in which you would deal with the issues on the exam so you can swiftly and logically therefore saving you time to think about the really contentious points and canvass the best arguments on each side in regard to those - the best way to boost your grade from a H2A to a H1. Legal rules are clearly and succinctly written so that you can spend more brain power focussing on how best to apply those rules in a creative and effective way when advising the hypothetical client on the exam. The material facts that you would analogises or distinguish with the facts from the exam are also included in dot points under each of the legal rules to make it easier for you to determine which facts from the exam go to which issue and which conclusion they best support. That way, you can make sure that you really engage with the facts of the hypo on the exam which is what all of the lecturers want to see when grading your paper. These notes also contain notes for essay topics which, again, are formatted exactly as you would format the essay on the exam - (1) Intro/argument; Body paras: Sub Argument 1-3; Conclusion. THESE NOTES WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. THEY WILL SAVE YOU A TONE OF TIME, ARE SUCCINCT, ACCURATE. I SPENT A DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF TIME PREPARING THESE AS COMPARED WITH OTHER SUBJECTS SO YOU ARE REALLY PUTTING YOURSELF AHEAD OF THE PACK BY PURCHASING THESE NOTES.


Semester 1, 2019

47 pages

15,120 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

August 2019