
These notes are up-to-date (T2 2021) and synthesize information from the lectures, seminars, and textbook (Field, 2018). Gives you everything you need to know for the exam, so if you're doing your thesis too, these notes will be a massive time-saver!! Covers all content taught throughout the trimester: Week 1: Multiple Regression Week 2: Logistic Regression Week 3: Mediation and Moderation Week 4: Path Analysis Week 5: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Week 6: Structural Equation Modelling Week 7: Multilevel Modelling Week 8: Exploratory Factor Analysis Week 9: Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) (Week 10 and 11 do not have content) Cheers and good luck with your studies!! :)


Trimester 2, 2021

66 pages

15,972 words



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Deakin, Geelong Waurn Ponds

Member since

June 2018