
Covers all topics, reflects integration of lecture slides, tutorials and notes. High distinction received for this UOS (94= HD). Notes divided into the following topic areas: - Functional Anatomy of the Nervous System - Electrochemical Basis for Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulses - Receptor Mechanisms - Nervous System as a Control System - Role of the Neuromuscular Junction - Structure and Function of Muscle - Cerebral Hemispheres and Spinal Cord Anatomy - Brainstem and Cranial Nerve Anatomy - Autonomic Nervous System Anatomy and Physiology - Diencephalon Anatomy - Somatosensory Anatomy and Physiology - Motor Systems Anatomy and Physiology


Semester 2, 2020

105 pages

24,456 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

March 2013