
These notes comprehensively and concisely cover content from practicals and pre prac tutorials in the 12 week course. Time has been taken to focus on particularly difficult topics. Notes are brightly colour coded to help with clarity and memory. These notes contain sufficient background information for those with little pathology background, however, they also contain great amounts of detail that will assist you in achieving a high score in the PATH30002 subject. These practical notes will be greatly complemented by PATH30001 notes which covers very similar topics. Each week contains two sections of notes: - tutorial content relating to the theory behind the practical - practical notes taken after completing the practical, these are exceptionally useful for three reasons; knowing what to expect before entering the practical class, writing your weekly lab reports at a high standard, and for end of semester multiple choice exam revision I used these notes in semester 1 of 2021 to achieve a 92% in the Techniques for Investigation of Disease subject Practical topics covered include: - skin wound healing - pneumonia - inflammatory bowel disease - type I diabetes - Huntington's Disease - Alzheimer's Disease - forensic pathology - colorectal cancer - cancer mechanisms


Semester 1, 2021

12 pages

5,474 words



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