
These notes comprehensively and concisely cover content from all lectures in the 12 week course. Time has been taken to focus on particularly difficult topics. Notes are brightly colour coded to help with clarity and memory. These notes contain sufficient background information for those with little anatomy background, however, they also contain great amounts of detail that will assist you in achieving a high score in the ANAT30007 subject. At the end of the notes, 3 summary tables have been included that clearly summarise: - 114 different muscles, outlining muscle attachment, movement, blood supply, innervation, and other special features - 27 different nerves, outlining their location in relation to other landmarks, what they innervate, and other special features - 23 veins and 29 arteries, outlining their location in relation to other landmarks, the muscles the supply/drain, and other special features These summary tables were the most useful study tool I used in the subject. They enabled me to clearly understand the relationships between muscles, nerves and blood vessels -- a difficult concept to wrap your head around. I used these notes in semester 1 of 2021 to achieve an 85% in the Human Locomotor Systems subject. Topics covered include: - peripheral nervous system - central nervous system - vertebral column - radiological anatomy of the spine - engineering the musculoskeletal system - neurovasculature of the upper limb - shoulder and arm - elbow and forearm - wrist and thumb - hands and fingers - imaging he upper limb - neurovasculature of the upper limb - pelvis and hip - knee joint - muscles of the thigh - surgical repair of the upper limb - the leg and ankle - the foot - imaging the lower limb - comparative foot biomechanics - anatomical research - surgical repair of the lower limb


Semester 1, 2021

44 pages

20,269 words



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