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Comprehensive notes based on 6th Edition Clear structure and detailed notes Includes relevant cases related to the topics and the key points associated. Notes cover all weeks (Contract law & Tort law) Week 2: Contract Formation I (Agreement) Week 3: Contract Formation II (Intention, Consideration, Promissory Estopple) Week 4: Contents and Interpretation of the Contract Week 5: Termination and Damages Week 6: The Law of Negligence I (Negligent Acts) Week 7: The Law of Negligence II (Negligent Statements) Week 8: Consumer Protections I (Misleading/Deceptive Conduct) Week 9: Consumer Protections II (Consumer Guarantees & Unfair Contract Terms) Week 10: Agency and Partnerships Week 11: Corporations Law Week 12: Business Ethics


Semester 1, 2021

63 pages

22,879 words



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