
Comprehensive & concise E&T notes focusing on the substantive content - perfect for exams/class if you need a succinct summary of each topic and the relevant authorities from each case. Topics are aligned with the 2020 Reading Guide and include: -Fiduciary relationships -The trust -Express trusts -Resulting trusts -Constructive trusts -Remedies See the preview for a full list of topics (the table of contents is undefined in the preview but it works properly in the real PDF). These notes are NOT within the definition of ‘assessment materials’ according the Melbourne Law School Assessment & Results Policy. They do not contain template style sections nor are they lecture transcripts. Therefore it is not a breach of s 42 of the Academic Board Regulation to purchase these notes.


Semester 2, 2020

29 pages

11,278 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

March 2020