
These notes are a culmination of lectures, readings, workshops, and cases, and, can be used for the exam but also for study throughout the semester. I received a High Distinction on the exam from the layout of these notes! I have summarised the course content into step-by-step processes in which it will take you through how to answer each question, including what law to state, what cases to apply, when sub-elements do and don't apply and what defences and remedies are available for each specific topic. Although these notes are specific to Griffith University's Torts 1 course, they can be used for any Queensland university for a basic overview of the content In the exam you are only assessed on topics from weeks 7-12 so that is the content covered in these notes. The following topics are: - intentional infliction of emotional harm - nuisance - intentional torts and trespass to person: battery and assault - false imprisonment and trespass to land - intentional interference with goods (trespass to goods, conversion and detinue) - defences and remedies


Semester 1, 2020

17 pages

5,460 words



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Griffith, Nathan

Member since

August 2020

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