HD!! FULL COURSE NOTES Social Psychology (PSYC3017)
Subject notes for USYD PSYC3017
I made these notes using all lecture material. Studying with my extensive notes will enable you to get a mark like mine or higher!! These notes are extremely detailed and provide you with all the information you need for the final exam. Lecture topics included in these notes: Topic 1 – Illan Dar-Nimrod [Note: there was no content in lecture 1] Lecture 2 – Replicagate I Lecture 3 – Replicagate II Lecture 4 – Replicagate III Lecture 5 – Existential Social Psychology I: Terror management theory Lecture 6 – Existential Social Psychology II: Meaning maintenance model Lecture 7 – Psychology of religion Lecture 8 – Genes and the psychosocial environment I Lecture 9 – Genes and the psychosocial environment II Topic 2 – Rebecca Pinkus Lecture 10 – The self I Lecture 11 - The self II Lecture 12 - The self III Lecture 13 - The self IV Lecture 14 - The self V Lecture 15 - The self VI Lecture 16 - The self VII Lecture 17 - The self VIII Lecture 18 - The self IX Topic 3 – Fiona White Lecture 19 – Aggression Lecture 20 – Strategies to reduce aggression Lecture 21 – Sex discrimination Lecture 22 – Reducing sex discrimination Lecture 23 – Sexual minority discrimination Lecture 24 – Reducing sexual minority discrimination Lecture 25 – Race discrimination Lecture 26 – Reducing race discrimination
Semester 2, 2020
90 pages
32,100 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2017