
I used these notes to achieve a mark of 85 (High Distinction) in Mind, Ethics and Freedom (ARTS1361). Comprehensive and detailed notes on all readings for the course. Extremely useful for the reading reflections and final essay. Up to date and covers all topics including: - What are rights? - Rightlessness: Natural Rights and Political Community - Decolonisation, Violence and Inhumanity - Aristotelian Ethics: Virtue and Happiness - Kantian Ethics: Duty and Motive - Utilitarian Ethics: Pleasure and Purpose - Descartes' Meditations I and II: Knowledge, Scepticism and Illusion - Descartes' Meditations III and IV: God, Error and Free Will - Descartes' Meditations V and VI: Defeating Scepticism, Dualism of Mind


Term 1, 2021

67 pages

30,106 words



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