
All encompassing, detailed notes that helped me achieve a mark of 83 in the subject. My notes are a distillation of all the resources provided throughout the course including the textbook and supplementary readings, the cases and tax rulings, and the lecture/tutorial content. Highlighting and colour-coding has been used sparingly and strategically to help readers find key content quickly. All topics included, namely: - Residence - Source - International Taxation - Assessable Income - Income from Personal Services and Employment - Income from Business - Income from Property - Principles of Compensation - Capital Gains Tax - General Deductions - Specific Deductions - Capital Allowances - Offsets - Trading Stock - Trusts and Beneficiaries - Tax Avoidance


Semester 1, 2020

129 pages

46,709 words



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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2014