
HD exam notes (87) for Digital/Electronic Workplace Law. Full comprehensive exam script with word-by-word answers to help with the exam. These combine lecture notes and weekly readings. Topics covered include: 1. The workplace’s electronic, digital and IT revolution and the nature of work 2. Employee versus Contractor 3. Duties in contract of employment 4. Right to Disconnect 5. Email and IT policy, Social Media and Technology: impact of unfair dismissal laws 6. Terminating the Contract at Common Law 7. Email, Social Media and IT Policy – Remedies for breach at Common Law 8. Flexible Working 9. E-harassment in the Workplace, Cyberbullying and Offensive Material 10. Occupational Health and Safety 11. Electronic and Digital Workplace and Privacy 12. Workplace Surveillance


Semester 2, 2020

115 pages

51,000 words



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Monash, Clayton

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February 2015