
These distinction notes cover all of the prescribed readings, cases, online module and lecture content for the term in a clear and well-structured manner. Given the immense amount of contact hours for the course and the extensive weekly prescribed readings these notes will be a definite time saver. I have also compiled a colour-coded table of contents at the beginning of the document (attached in the sample) which provides a clear structure to the note set and makes it easy to find information which you are looking for. With these notes I was able to achieve a distinction in both the midterm and final exam and a high distinction (90) for class participation. Topics covered include: - Introduction to equity, trusts and equitable remedies - Equitable property - Equitable fiduciary obligations - The law of assignment - Express trusts - Equitable tracing - The law of priorities - Personal liability of accessories and recipients - Resulting Trusts - Constructive Trusts - Equitable remedies (personal and proprietary) - Bars to equitable relief


Term 3, 2020

100 pages

49,007 words



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