
Succinct set of summary notes for all unit of study content from Federal Constitutional Law with summaries of all case law in scaffold structure, including the new 2020 material on intergovernmental immunities and implied freedom of political communication. Perfect study material to help you throughout the course and easy to use for the mid-semester and final exams. Please note that the preview sample only contains small extracts from a few topics (4 pages from 4 different topics). The full set of notes contains every topic in complete form. Topics include: (1) Trade/Commerce Power (2) External Affairs Power (3) Defence Power (4) Nationhood Power (5) Corporations Power (6) Race Power (7) Grants Power (8) Spending/Appropriations Power (9) Taxation Power (10) Excise Duties (11) Freedom of Interstate Trade (12) Freedom of Interstate Movement (13) Intergovernmental Immunities: Commonwealth Law (14) Intergovernmental Immunities: State Law (15) Prohibition of Discrimination Against Out-of-State Residents (16) Compulsory Acquisition of Property on Just Terms (17) Implied Freedom of Political Communication (18) Freedom of Religion (19) Reading Down (20) Severance (21) Inconsistency


Semester 1, 2020

47 pages

19,463 words



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