
These notes (Part 3) comprise Chapters 12-17 while the remaining notes are available in Part 1 & 2 due to size constraint on this site. Notes are clearly organised and written in point forms. Each chapter is 2-5 pages long yet contains all essential info from the lecture notes + explanation stressed by lecturers + relevant diagrams. This set of notes is a great resource for the assessment/quizzes and a life-saver during the final exam - which I managed to get 88% :) TOPIC LIST C12: Inferences – numerical outcomes & 2 categorical explanatory variables C13: Inferences — numerical outcome & numerical explanatory variables C14: Inferences – binary outcome C15: Inferences – categorical outcome, simple methods C16: Study design & planning C17: Extension & modern methods


Semester 2, 2020

18 pages

7,360 words



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