
Not going to lie - this subject was one of the worst of my law degree. These notes will definitely give you a head start in understanding the topics covered in Jurisprudence. I have broken up the topics as followed: 1. Overview/introduction of jurisprudence concepts a. Legal-world b. Analprudence 2. Cases a. Evans b. McCokstar c. PYVW d. Nordenfelt 3. Natural Law a. Aristotle b. Cicero c. Blackstone d. Aquinas e. Kant 4. Modern natural law a. Finnis b. Fuller c. HLA Hart – also see legal positivism d. Hobbes e. Locke 5. Modernism 6. Liberalism 7. Positivism 8. Dworkin 9. Marxism 10. Sociological jurisprudence 11. Post Modern and Post Structural thinking 12. American Legal Realist 13. Critical Legal Studies 14. Post Structural language and Post Structural notions of power and knowledge 15. Feminist legal theory 16. Critical race theory 17. Post-colonial theory


Semester 2, 2020

66 pages

32,560 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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July 2016

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