
Goes through each week of relevant material in depth, first with a summary, then key points from each reading, then key points from relevant cases and legislation. Wk 2: Thinking About Race, Culture and Power Wk 3-4: Colonisation Wk 4-5: Law and Indigenous World View Wk 5-6 Relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the State Wk 7: Land Rights and Native Title Wk 8: Stolen Generations / Stolen Wages Wk 9: Indigenous Peoples and the Criminal Justice System Wk 10: Protecting Indigenous Heritage, Culture and Knowledge Wk 11: International Law and Rights of Indigenous Peoples Often Indigenous is abbreviated to 'Ind' or Aboriginal to 'Ab' Anything within '' is a direct quote from the relevant source.


Semester 2, 2020

23 pages

5,791 words


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Flinders, Bedford Park

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November 2020