
This set of Succession Law Notes is designed to explain to you the course to enable you to use/copy out in the exam. They include explanations of all the relevant principles, examination scripts and detailed case summaries. Content: Topic 2: Intestacy Topic 3: Wills and Will Making Topic 4: Mental Requirements Topic 5: Execution Requirements for Will Making/Formalities Topic 6: Exceptions to Formal Requirements Topic 7: Changing a Will Topic 8: Interpretation of Wills Topic 9: Gifts by Will Topic 10: Family Provision Topic 11: Personal Representatives Topic 12: Grants of Representation Topic 13: Functions and Duties of Personal Reps Topic 14: Powers, Rights and Liabilities of PRs


Semester 2, 2019

137 pages

73,640 words



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Monash, Clayton

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February 2018