
From the first time run in trimesters. Notes cover all topics, very lcer and easy to follow. Topics Covered: Steps in civil litigation Courts and Filing Inherent and Implied Jurisdiction Court structure overview Overriding purpose Directions Cost Types of Costs: Uniform law costs Ordered costs Liability for lawyers: Security for Costs Power: Limitation Periods Interim Injunctions Freezing Orders (Mareva injunctions) Search Orders Offers of Compromise Calderbank Letters Privilege Dominant Purpose Test Loss of Privilege Client Lawyer Privilege – accidental disclosure Pleadings Material Facts Relief is restricted to that available in pleading Non-Compliance with the rules Amendment Powers Surprise Appearance and Defence Striking Out Pleadings Particulars Res Judicata Cause of Action Estoppel Issue Estoppel Anshun Estoppel Joining Plaintiffs Consolidation: Class Actions Cases and test Seven or more persons Claims against the same person Same, similar or related circumstances Substantial common issue of fact or law Class action pleadings Discontinuance and Subgroups Group Definition and the Right to Opt Out Settlement Costs Service of Documents Personal Service Substituted and Inferred Service Wavier Outside the state Discovery DISCOVERY IN THE EQUITY exceptional circumstances necessitating disclosure – Implied Undertaking Subpoenas Lacking Forensic Purpose Witness Preparation Affidavits Requirements Consequences for False Swearing Summary Disposal Default Judgement Setting Aside Default Judgement Summary Judgement Summary Dismissal Want of Prosecution Re-Filing Proceedings


Term 1, 2019

32 pages

19,871 words



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