L:AWS2014 Corporations Law - Full Course Notes (Semester 2, 2018) (Distinction)
Subject notes for USYD LAWS2014
These LAWS2010 notes are a compilation of class notes, textbook notes, and case readings. They are comprehensive and step through every topic of the course in detail, allowing me to achieve an 84 (Distinction) overall. The notes are well-formatted, up to date and structured by topic, including: - Key points from lectures - Detailed case outlines with key conclusions - Relevant legislation extracts - Diagrams and flow charts where helpful Topics include: 1. Introduction 2. Corporate Personality and Limited liability 3. Corporate Constitution 4. Corporate Organs 5. Binding the Corporation 6. Directors' Duties (Duty to act in good faith, duty to exercise powers for a proper purpose, statutory duties, duty to avoid conflict, duty of care, statutory business judgment rule) 7. Members' Rights and Remedies
Semester 2, 2018
121 pages
52,815 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2015