
I used these notes both for both the assignments and end of semester exam. I completed all the readings for this unit - so you don't have to. This unit is relatively straight-forward but still contains a decent amount of content. You need to be aware of the key terminology and theories in order to succeed. I have ensured these notes are comprehensive but succinct, so as to make sure you are only learning relevant content, and not wasting time on topics on which you will not be assessed. By learning the core concepts in these notes and being able to apply them to examples, you will be well on the way to achieving a HD in this unit. TOPICS INCLUDED: 1. Marketing in the service economy (Ch 1) 2. Customer behaviour, culture and service encounters; Positioning services in competitive markets (Ch 2-3) 3. Managing relationships and building loyalty (Ch 13) 4. Developing service products: core and supplementary service elements; Distributing services through physical and electronic channels (Ch 4-5) 5. Understanding costs and developing pricing strategies (Ch 6) 6. Balancing productive capacity and demand (Ch 7) 7. Managing people for service advantage (Ch 9) 8. Crafting the service environment (Ch 10) 9. Customer satisfaction and service quality (Ch 12) 10. Handling customer complaints and managing service recovery (Ch 14)


Semester 1, 2018

29 pages

11,264 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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February 2016