
This includes all lecture notes as well as additional notes from the textbook including chapter summaries Topics covered include: 1) Introduction 2) Customer Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning 3) Brands Resonance and the Brand Value Chain 4) Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity 5) Designing Marketing Programs to build brand equity 6) Branding in the digital era and building secondary associations 7) Developing a brand equity measurement and management system 8) Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing customer mind-set 9) Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity: Capturing Market Performance 10) Designing and Implementing Brand Architecture Strategies 11) Managing Brands over time 12) Managing brand over geographic boundaries and market segments 5) Tourist images of people and places 6) Tourist Diversity 1 7) Tourist Diversity 2 8 ) Tourists’ interaction with others 9) Tourists’ interaction with the host culture 10) Tourists’ interaction with the host culture 11) Tourist Satisfaction and its Management 12) Summary


Semester 2, 2019

35 pages

15,704 words



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UTS, Broadway & Markets

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