
These notes were used to achieve a HD in the 2019 S2 Criminal Law and Procedure 2 Exam. The notes are comprehensive, but easy to read. Key facts and decisions from the cases that are relevant to each principle are located throughout. Content for the following topics is included: - Criminal Procedure - Criminal Responsibility and Defences: Fitness, Mental Impairment, Automatism, Duress, Sudden/Extraordinary Emergency, Intoxication - Strict and Absolute Liability - Drug Offences: Use, Possession, Trafficking - Property Offences: Theft, Obtaining Property/Financial Advantage, Burglary, Robbery - Attempts - Complicity Corporate Criminal Liability was not examined for the 2019 S2 exam and is not included in these notes.


Semester 2, 2019

63 pages

31,707 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

August 2016

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