
These notes contain summaries from the content covered in all weeks of this course. They also contain notes from the readings within the weekly summaries. Week 1: Introduction to WCC Week 2: Scale and Impact of WCC Week 3: Theories of WCC Week 4: Governmental Crime and Crimes of Globalisation Week 5: Organised Crime Week 6: Corporate Crime Week 7: Occupational Crime Week 8: Regulatory Crime (Part 1) Week 9: Regulatory Crime (Part 2) Week 10: Enforcement of Regulation Week 11: Self-Regulation & Compliance This was a hard subject, and I would highly recommend focusing during lectures and taking good notes. Use these as a foundation for exam revision, and good luck with all your further studies!


Semester 1, 2019

31 pages

10,501 words



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Griffith, Mt Gravatt

Member since

March 2017