
These notes include a check-list of inter-related issues in Corporations Law - so as to help you effectively issue-spot in the exam and nail as many points as possible. Further, these notes also encompass the entirety of the unit. They provide a structure for answers to problem questions, with a step-by-step layout so that your IRAC (Issue-Rule-Analysis-Conclusion) structure never falls apart. An added benefit from these notes is sample introductory sentences are included to clearly set up your answers and red flags to look out for are also added. Topics covered (each has relevant sub-topics): - Registration and its effects - Types of corporations - The constitution and replaceable rules - Share capital, loan capital and dividends - Corporate contracting - Directors' duties - Consequences of breaches of directors' duties and relief from liability - Members' remedies


Semester 1, 2019

88 pages

40,881 words



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Monash, Clayton

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July 2017