
Here is a list of all the topics covered in the semester. The notes cover all weeks and as it was an open book exam these were the notes I brought in. STATUTORY INTERPRETATION 2 STATUTORY REASONING 3 Legal Indeterminacy 3 General Methodology of Statutory Interpretation 4 Legislation 4 Interpretive Tools 4 Canons of Construction 5 MACCORMICK’S APPROACH TO LEGAL REASONING 6 COMMON LAW - LEGAL REASONING 7 Precedent 8 THEORIES OF STATUTORY INTERPRETATION 9 Textualist Theories 9 Intentionist Theories 10 Dynamic or Legal Process Theories 10 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMON LAW AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THE AUSTRALIAN LEGAL SYSTEM 10 Reception of English Law in Australia 10 Indigenous Legal Tradition 11 Reception of the common law 11 Native Title 12 Legal Pluralism 13 DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS OF RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT AND REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT 14 Responsible Government 14 Representative Government 15 MEANING OF AND CRITICALLY EVALUATE JUDICIAL POWER AND NON-JUDICIAL POWER 15 Judicial Power 15 Non-Judicial Power 16 CASES 16 ORIGINS OF THE COMMON LAW 17 The Limitations of Local Justice 17 Emergence of the Common Law 17 Writs 17 Emergence of Equity 17 Concept of Precedent 17 The Development of the Common Law 17


Semester 1, 2019

18 pages

5,606 words



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UQ, St Lucia

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March 2019