LAW4190 Construction Law Exam Notes (HD, 85)
Subject notes for Monash LAW4190
Exam Notes cover all topics in the course, including: 1. Risk allocation and delivery models 2. Extensions of time 3. Quality of work 4. Costs 5. Variations 6. Regulation of the construction industry 7. Latent conditions 8. Superintendents 9. Subcontracts 10. Securities 11. Insurance 12. Duty of care / proportionate liability 13. Building information modelling Case law is also included with short summaries, underneath the relevant principles. Importantly, the notes make reference to relevant AS4000 clauses where possible (either by providing an extract or pointing you towards the clause you'll need to check). This is because we were (and previous years were) asked to bring a copy of the standard form AS4000 into the exam, and assume that the problem scenario involved contractual arrangements based on AS4000. These exam notes try to incorporate that aspect. Best of luck!
Semester 2, 2019
44 pages
19,892 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
February 2018