
Weeks 1-9, entire semester consolidated notes. Inclusive of lecture and lab material: - Red flags - Red flag conditions - > vascular pathologies (VBI, CAD) > HA > Dizziness (+DDx) > Temporal Arteritis > Upper Cx instability (presentation, S// and PE//) - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (presentation, type of TOS, signs, PE//, management - local, remote and general function) - Headaches (types, CGH*, Migraines, TTH, DDx between CGH, Migraine and TTH, Ax findings of CGH, Mx of HA with Cx component (psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Whiplash Associated Disorders (biomechanics, symptoms and Hx, red flags, classification, presentation, management (psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function, example home Mx plan) - Neck Shoulder Differentiation (different types, presentation, theory, symptoms, signs, common mistakes) - Acute Wry Neck (types, DDx, red flags, Hx, PE// and management) - Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (pain distribution, Hx, Dx, Ax, management (psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Physical Examination in standing, sitting, supine, prone and side lying - Neuro testing - neurodynamic tests, nerve palpation, neural integrity, summary - Complete subjective examination guide - Complete physical examination guide - Managing Cervicothoracic pain (psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Management Techniques (promoting mobility, grouping mobility techniques together, local mobility techniques for Dx groups, exercises to promote movement/ mobility, improving local and remote muscle function, kinaesthetic and postural awareness retraining, managing radicular pain without radiculopathy (sliders and tensioners)) - Peripheral Somatic Pain (non-specific Cx pain): > Hx > Nature of dysfunction > Contributing factors > Postural control disturbances (Cx vertigo) > Dizziness DDx > Benign specific pathology > PE// > Management (psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Peripheral Neurogenic Pain > Hx > Nature of dysfunction > Contributing factors > Symptom quality > Clinical signs > Degenerative Cx myelopathy > PE// > Management ( psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Nociplastic Pain > Pain type > Hx > PE// > Management ( psychological, tissue sensitivity, local function, remote function, general function) - Cx Anatomy (bony structures, ligaments) - Cx Biomechanics - TMJ Anatomy (bony structures, muscles)


Semester 2, 2019

92 pages

39,919 words



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