
Comprehensive, easy to follow Contracts notes in a scaffold format. These notes are indexed and organised by topic, covering ALL topics, key cases and legislation. These notes help you structure the order of cases and shows you how one case builds on top of another, to create the nuanced web of contract law. Want to save time? Have a case which you don’t really understand? Save yourself from having to read many pages of judgements and re-watching lectures. Get all the key information that you need for cases just on these notes. ✓ Succinct ✓ Comprehensive ✓ Colour-coded for easy reading Get these notes now and help yourself in law school :) TOPICS COVERED Topic 2 — Agreement Topic 3 — Certainty Topic 4 — Consideration Topic 5 — Intention to Create Legal Relations Topic 6 — Formalities Topic 7 — Estoppel Topic 8 — Terms Topic 9 — Construction Topic 10 — Exclusion Clauses and Privity Topic 11 — Discharge by Performance and Agreement Topic 12 — Discharge/Termination for Breach and Repudiation Topic 13 — Discharge by Frustration and the Process of Termination


Semester 1, 2021

55 pages

34,359 words



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