
These are the full subject notes that I used to revise for my ATS1371 Philosophy Exam. I scored 32/35 (~92%) on the exam. These notes concisely summarise all of lectures, readings and pre-lecture videos on every main topic. They will give you an excellent breadth and depth in your subject understanding. The notes cover the following topics: 1. Utilitarianism and the morality of killing 2. Classical and preference utilitarianism 3. Utilitarians and rights 4. The trolley and transplant problem 5. Describe Michael Otsuka’s and self-defence against innocents 6. Killing innocents in self-defence 7. Peter Singer’s “principle of equality" 8. Peter Singer on the difference between animals and persons 9. Abortion and the role of the foetus 10. Thompson and the violinist example 11. The moral status of a foetus and baby 12. Infanticide and abortion 13. Virtue ethics and alternative approaches 14. Cultural Relativism 15. Moral Relativism


Semester 1, 2019

15 pages

4,931 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

April 2016