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The following readings are covered in these notes: Required textbook: Leadership: contexts and complexities in early childhood education (Waniganayake, Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley & Shepherd, 2017) Chapter 1 (textbook): Conceptualising early childhood leadership Chapter 2: The Australian policy context Chapter 6: Pedagogical leadership Chapter 3: Leading for quality Chapter 13: Money Matters Sinclair, A. (2007). Leadership for the disillusioned. Moving beyond myths and heroes to leading that liberates. Crows Nest NSW: Allen and Unwin. Siraj-Blatchford, I. & and Manni, l. (2006). Effective leadership in the early years sector: The ELEYS study. London: Institute of Education, University of London. (available via iLearn) Cheeseman, S. (2007). Pedagogical silences in Australian early childhood social policy. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 8 (3), 244-254. Making a space for pedagogy: The story about Mia Mia - a work in progress Hughes, P., & MacNaughton, G. (1999). Communication in early childhood services. A practical guide. Melbourne: RMIT Publishing. (Part 2: Communication, 40-91) Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (ACECQA). (2011). Guide to developing a quality improvement plan. Rodd,J.(2013).Leadership in early childhood. The pathway to professionalism. (Chapter10). Crows Nest, NSW: Allen and Unwin. Whalley, M. (2001). Working as a team. In (Ed.). Contemporary issues in early childhood. Working collaboratively for children. London: Sage Textbook Chapter 10 “Creating a Community of Learners” Textbook Chapter 5 “Strategic Planning and Social Entrepreneurship” Textbook Chapter 11: Relationships with families Arnold, C. (2007). Persistence pays off: Working with parents who find our services ‘hard to reach’. In M. Whalley, M. & the Pen Green Centre Team, Involving parents in children’s learning (pp86-104). London: Sage. Textbook Chapter 15: Career development and succession planning Caldwell, B. (2008). From workforce to talent force. Independence,33(1),30-33.


Semester 1, 2019

36 pages

15,837 words



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