
This is a comprehensive compilation of information from ENGR30002 lectures, the textbook, tutorials, practicals, workshops, problem booklets and other useful sources I found online to aid my study. Each section (particularly the harder concepts) is supported by easy to read and understand dot points, diagrams, pictures and thorough example exam-style questions. Includes all summarised formulae required to know for each topic. Topics included are: 1. Hydrostatics (pressure drops, specific gravity) 2. Bernoulli equation (friction factor, Moody diagram, shaft work, Reynolds number) 3. Pumps (types of pumps, pump efficiency, best operation points, NSPH) 4. Mixing Tanks (power numbers) 5. Compressible flow (derivation of Bernoulli equation, compressibility, gas flow, choked flow) 6. Dimensional reasoning (introduction to Bond number, Weber number, Froude number) 7. Open channel flow (specific energy) 8. Multidimensional flow (Cauchy equations, Navier-Stokes equations, rheology, cylindrical coordinates)


Semester 2, 2019

41 pages

11,098 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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March 2017