FINC3017 Investments and Portfolio Management COMPLETE NOTES
Subject notes for USYD FINC3017
High quality notes that clearly, concisely and comprehensively outline the entire FINC3017 course. Compiled from lecture notes, tutorials and the textbook, as well as anything learned during Reports 1 and 2 and the Essay assessment tasks. HD quality notes. These notes concisely cover the entire course and any of the relevant case study examples, all formulae and graphs / tables / diagrams. Very well structured and colour coded. Topic List: - Introduction - Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty - Optimal Portfolios - Single Index Model - Capital Asset Pricing Model - Asset Pricing Models - Market Efficiency I - Market Efficiency II - Investment Style - Performance Evaluation - Hedge Funds - Illiquid Assets
Semester 1, 2019
67 pages
20,585 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2017