
TOPIC SUMMARIES: (saved as 2 pages per sheet) Collated topic summaries for each week which includes: - summaries of topics and concepts - case summaries (including simplified facts, the court decision, and key principle) - answer guideline for key problem question topics Easy to follow and includes clarifications pertinent to answering exam questions throughout. Perfect for a comprehensive overview of the Unit's topics I took this with me in the exam as a back up to my EXAM SCRIPT. I received a HD upon completion of the unit. TOPICS INCLUDE: Right to terminate: - Under contract agreement - For Breach - Of condition - Substantial breach of an intermediate term - For repudiation - Restrictions - Consequences Remedies: - Damages - Measure - Limitations - Specific Performance -Injunction - Action for debt - Liquidated damages or Penalty? - Restitution (with basis of unjust enrichment) - Frustration - Test - Consequences Vitiating Factors - Misleading and Deceptive Conduct - Duress - Undue Influence - Unconscionable Conduct - 3rd party impropriety - Statutory Unconscionable Dealing - Remedies Disclaimer: Whilst I did my best to collate these notes, making them as accurate as possible, I do not guarantee or claim that they are faultless!


Semester 2, 2018

62 pages

34,402 words


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Monash, Clayton

Member since

January 2016