
These notes provide a comprehensive summary of every key theme and concept explored in LLB1100 (either briefly or in considerable depth, depending on their importance in the course) as well as a careful analysis of every case explored in this course and how each relates to the key themes/concepts. I have comprehensively analyzed how each case demonstrates the themes and concepts you will study, however it is important to note that not every case demonstrates every theme in the course, only some are relevant to each case. In the exam, i was able to copy entire passages word for word from these notes straight into my essay and other sections as it fitted so well. This made my exam performance considerably easier and helped me finish with an 85 for this course. Topics: Nature and Sources of Law Introduction to the Constitution The Adversarial System Precedent Analyzing Cases Law & Narrative Access to Law


Semester 1, 2018

19 pages

7,944 words



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