
These notes are a compilation of lecture materials, cases, legislation, the study guide and weekly readings. The notes cover all topics that are assessed in the exam as well as the assignment topic. Throughout the notes there are summaries and analyses of cases, legislation, examples and tips for the exam and assignment. I have also included very helpful Answer Guides at the end of the notes which take you through a step by step process and roadmap of answering exam questions -- which are incredibly helpful for studying for the exam as well as during the exam! Topic List: 1. Voluntary & Compulsory Winding Up 2. Provisional Liquidation 3. The Effects of Winding Up 4. Assets Available to the Liquidator 5. The Administration of Winding Up 6. Criminal Offences & Civil Actions against Company Directors 7. Termination of the Winding Up 8. Receivership 9. Voluntary Administration 10. Deeds of Company Arrangement


Semester 1, 2017

94 pages

46,890 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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March 2014