
These notes provide all the information needed to achieve an H1 in Genetics Health and Society! Personally achieved an H1 (89) in this subject just using these notes to study for the exam and in semester quizzes (no other practice questions or notes required) These summary notes utilise tables, diagrams, bullet points and colour coding to cover all the topics of the course in detail and ensure success in POPH20001! Topics include: Genetics and Human Development Aneuploidy, Euploidy & Inheritance Patterns Twin Studies Epigenetics Clinical Bioinformatics Clinical Uses of Genetic Testing Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Medicine Non-clinical Uses of Genetic Testing Genetics and Sport Ethics and Genetic Testing Psychological and Social Aspects of Genetic Testing Health Economics of Genetic Testing Indigenous Genomics (not examined so minimal information in notes for this topic) Ownership of DNA Law and Ethics of Disclosing Genetic Information Use of Genetic Information in Legal Proceedings Paternity "Fraud" Visible and Invisible Differences Genetics and Art


Semester 1, 2018

36 pages

19,775 words



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