PHRM1011 Written Exam & Oral Exam Notes (2 in 1)
Subject notes for UQ PHRM1011
These are the notes I wrote for PHRM1011 and I achieved a 7 for this course, and achieved 90% on the final exam. I condensed all the important information into about 24 pages, and this includes both the notes for the written exam and notes for the oral exam. These notes will have all the information that will get you that high score if you didn't study throughout the semester, and if you don't have the time to go through the lecture recordings. The oral exam notes section is two pages long, and it's a good double-sided 1 page thing you can just bring into the holding room before you do your oral exam if you want to just memorise in the waiting room. Topic List: Professional Organizations & Information Sources Medicines & Pharmacy Storage Pharmacokinetics Australian Healthcare System Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Prescription Medicines Healthcare Teams Ethics Compounding Oral Exam Tips and Study Notes
Semester 1, 2018
24 pages
6,618 words
UQ, St Lucia
Member since
February 2016