
These notes are based on the course textbook (Criminal Laws- Materials & Commentary 6th ed by Brown, Farrier, McNamara, Grewcock & Schwartz). As well as comments made by Leah and Helen in classes. The notes are short and concise and was easy for me to navigate during my exam, rather than rummaging through 50 pages. It has everything you need for the final exam. :) Topics Include: - Actus Reus - Mens Rea - Legal Personhood - Arrest - Overcriminalisation - "Commonsense" - Historical Relativity and Change - Normative Theories of Criminalisation - The Principled Core of Criminal Law - Principles, Policies, Politics of Criminal Law - Bail - Offensiveness


Semester 1, 2016

17 pages

7,044 words



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UNSW, Kensington

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February 2016