
Complete set of notes from the entire semester, including lectures, cases and important parts from the textbook (The International Law of Human Rights). I used these for the exam - set out with a table of contents so everything is easy to find. Topics covered: - The UDHR and International Covenants - The Right to Life and Freedom from Cruel and Inhuman Treatment - Freedom of Opinion and Expression, and the Right to Private Life - Fair Trial and Equality Before the Law - Non-Discrimination (General/Specific Groups) - Freedom from Arbitrary Detention - Rights of Defendants and the ICCPR - Right to Liberty - The UN Human Rights System and Framework - The UN Human Rights Council - The UN Treaty Body System - The Rights of Children - The Rights of Refugees - Counter-Terrorism Law


Semester 2, 2017

39 pages

28,373 words



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ACU, Melbourne (St Patrick's)

Member since

December 2012

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