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These notes have helped me achieve a mark of 85, HD in the subject overall. There is scaffold answers which can be directly applied to problem questions, as well as helping me formulate my speech. Inside these notes are also paragraph answers, which can be used directly to the question. Topics include: - external affairs power -trade and commerce power -corporations power -nationhood power -aliens and immigration power/ emigration power -aliens and naturalisation power -race power -defence power -executive power -inconsistency (s109) -territories (s122) -states -limits on the commonwealth power etc - judicial power (chIII) -acquisition of property on just terms (s51(xxxi)) -implied freedom of political communication exam structured full paragraphs of all topics above and: - race power and implied freedom of political communication -validity of [section in the question]/ scope of s51(xxvi) -section of the act creates a court to hear all prosecutions under the act [s71/72]


Semester 2, 2017

30 pages

11,084 words



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